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Episode 6 : Q & A with Marco from @Vamoskigo


Updated: Jul 21, 2020

Marco is one of the co-founders of Kigo Footwear. Kigo footwear is a handcrafted eco-friendly barefoot shoe company, based in Philadelphia. They can be found on instagram @vamoskigo or on their website

Good Morning Marco, Thank you for being on board 

Hi Alex, thank you for your interview and for your interest in barefoot/minimalist shoes.

How’ve things been, and what’s a normal day usually like for you?

My day starts with a 45 min workout at 6:00 am. Then I enjoy a cup of coffee and breakfast. I spent about 1 hour with my 2 mini dachshunds before heading to work. Some of my duties at work are the source of materials, product design and manufacturing. I have a lot of fun making barefoot shoes by hand. Our production is small, we release new colors in small batches.

When I’m done with work I meet with my wife in the afternoon for coffee and a great chat. We prepare dinner and we enjoy the rest of the afternoon together. 

How did you come across barefoot footwear?

My feet were always sore by the end of the day, my footwear wore out quickly in the inner hells due to over pronation, and I had constantly shin splints after workouts. I started wearing shoes with low profile outsoles and I felt better, then I transition fully to barefoot footwear while doing a lot of walking and running. My posture and overall health improved significantly. I have been wearing only barefoot shoes for the past 6 years, once you go barefoot you never go back to unhealthy footwear. 

Can you expand on Kigo, and how it came about?

Kigo started as a traveling shoe that was lightweight and easy to pack in a purse or small backpack. Our customers asked for a more minimalistic design and we listened to them. At the time around 2011 there were excellent barefoot shoes for running but there was a lack for everyday casual options. We decided to develop styles for lifestyle only, now a days we can find many excellent options from different manufacturers. 

Can you give any brief advice for people with ideas of starting a business?

My advice is to become an expert in their field, study as much as possible, execute and do it with passion while keeping the mind healthy, allowing rest and always make time for love ones.

Have you suffered from any injuries, and can you offer any advice for people living with injury?

I stepped on a small rock at full force while running barefoot. The rock hit my left foot right behind the pinky toe. It was very painful but I thought I could recover without medical help. A few months later it was unbearable pain. I got treated and a few weeks later I was back running again. So ask for help quickly and don’t be afraid to ask for a second opinion if in doubt.

What do you like doing in your down time, away from work?

I love to travel, to experience different cultures, cooking, riding motorcycles and rock n roll.

What shoes do you wear most often?

Besides the kigo philly, I like the merrel glove, the camper Peu (the flat version, I also change the insole for a kigo insole to keep me 0 drop at all times, and the vivobarefoot gobi. When I’m indoors in my house I’m always barefoot. 

What are your plans/goals for the future?

For kigo I would like to expand the offerings to a full line of barefoot shoes for all occasions (casual, dress, workout) and for life, keep having fun, more travel and more love. 

Thank you for stopping by Marco, and all the best in the future!

Thank you for having me at barefoot shoe review.


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